Kansas Father was court-ordered to pay child support for his now seventeen year old Daughter.
Father recently began receiving periodically in his mail postcards from the Kansas Department of Families.
Emblazoned on the postcard in large bold white letters against a bright red background is the message:
“Have you paid your child support this month?”
It doesn’t state that the recipient of the postcard is behind on their payments. (Although they reportedly are if they receive the postcard.) And it doesn’t display personal financial details.
Still, one resident of a small town in Kansas was both “shocked” and embarrassed by the postcards. He thinks the reminders, if necessary, should be sealed away in an envelope to protect his privacy.
But the state is standing firm on its cost-effective reminder system, defending that child support is a matter of public record in Kansas.
Just as it is in Florida …
Read more in this [Wichita] KWCH TV 12 news article: Dad says child support postcard is “invasion of privacy” .