Husband and Wife marry.
Husband and Wife divorce. Bitterly.
Later, Wife’s mother (MIL) writes her first book. About a couple who go through a bitter divorce.
The storyline bears an uncanny resemblance to Wife’s allegations in her divorce.
The husband character in MIL’s book is portrayed as a criminal, a deadbeat and … a lousy father.
MIL allegedly furnishes copies of her book to friends and family, to the optometry school Husband attends… and many optometry schools in the US.
Then Husband is reportedly expelled from his optometry school. And unsuccessful in gaining admission to any others.
Husband files a civil lawsuit right here in Palm Beach County, apparently for claims in the nature of defamation, libel, tortious interference with business activities and relationships, and/or related claims.
Husband’s lawsuit has been dismissed … but it could, theoretically, be pressed in a different state in the future.
Meanwhile, MIL’s book reportedly may be turned into a made for television movie …
- this Palm Beach New Times article: Did John Scott’s Marriage Become a Tell-All Book?
- this Palm Beach New Times article: Florida Man Trashed in Tell-All Book by Former Mother-in-Law, Lawsuit Says
- this Cleveland’s New 102 CBS Local news article: Not Getting Your Child Support? Maybe This Will Help