Are Fathers Marginalized in the Family Court System?

A long-divorced Nebraska mother of adult children and guardian ad litem (aka child advocate) makes the case that fathers are under-appreciated by divorced mothers and, indirectly, by Nebraska judges.

In Nebraska, the typical divorced father is awarded just seventeen percent timesharing. And it appears that his exercise of all of that seventeen percent is likely to be thwarted.

This child advocate argues that at least twice as much parenting time should be awarded and that parenting time should be more vigorously enforced.

The child advocate also implies that more than half, possibly a lot more than half, of allegations of domestic violence are false … because they cannot be corroborated.

Whatever the merits of her other points though, with this assertion she is urging her readers to make a huge leap of faith without adequate justification.

Read more in this Lincoln (Nebraska) Journal Star article: Local View: Judges must do more to protect father-child relationships .
