Central Florida Police Officer Faces Criminal Domestic Battery Charges, is Confined and His Guns Confiscated; Florida Domestic Violence Restraining Order May Follow

Central Florida Husband is reportedly having an affair about which Wife found out.

Husband is a police officer.

During an argument, Wife refers to Husband’s paramour by an unflattering name.

Husband allegedly drags Wife out of bed into the kitchen, where he smashes her head against a granite countertop.

Leaving Wife with a bump on her head and a bruise on her arm.

Police officer-Husband is arrested for domestic battery on Wife and confined.

Law enforcement takes possession of Husband’s guns.

Husband is suspended with pay.

It is not clear whether a Florida domestic violence restraining order or order of protection is also entered against Husband.

It would certainly not be unexpected for Wife to seek and obtain a Florida injunction for protection against domestic violence in addition to pressing criminal domestic violence charges against her police officer-Husband.

Read more in this Orlando Sentinel article: Casselberry officer arrested on domestic-violence charge.
