Arizona Husband and Wife have three Daughters.
Husband and Wife divorce.
Husband is ordered to pay child support for Daughters.
But Husband quickly joins the ranks of “deadbeat dads”.
Husband’s past due child support grows to $27,0000.
With interest, past due child support skyrockets to over $93,000.
Thirty years go by.
Daughters are grown.
Wife is unemployed … for over a year.
The state child support agency locates Husband … and a substantial bank account in his name. It has roughly two hundred thousand dollars in it.
The child support agency attaches Husband’s bank account and recovers the past due child support, all $93,000 and change.
Wife, having long since given up on ever collecting the child support Husband owes her, gets a huge surpriser when the child support agency turns the money over to her.
Read more in this [Phoenix] KPHO 5 TV news article: Struggling Mom Gets $93K In Back Child Support.