Every so often, a prospective client requests a contingency fee arrangement in their family court case – usually on the phone, before they even come in.
Each time, my office advises them flat out that Florida attorneys are not permitted to work on contingency fee arrangements in family court cases.
Often, for whatever the reason, this meets with skepticism – and resistance.
Sometimes, the callers even go so far as to say “but another [Florida] attorney agreed to do it on a contingency fee” …
So, for those callers – and others – who may have wondered about contingency fees in family court cases …
A recent Nevada Supreme Court case, citing both court decisions in other states and administrative opinions from various state bars, squarely held that:
a contingency fee agreement in a family court case violates rules governing attorneys in the practice of law.
If you’re still skeptical, read more in this Las Vegas Review Journal article: Nevada Supreme Court rules post-divorce contingency fee agreement unenforceable.