Domestic Violence or Mercy Killing? Husband Shoots Wife of Forty-Five Years

Husband and Wife, both in their 60s, have been married for 45 years.

Wife develops a life-threatening medical condition. Wife is being cared for in the intensive care unit of a hospital.

Husband enters Wife’s hospital room. With a gun.

And shoots Wife.

The next day, Wife is determined to be brain dead.

Husband is arrested immediately after the shooting, initially on a charge of attempted murder, which may be stepped up to murder.

Law enforcement authorities have variously characterized the incident as one of domestic violence … or an attempted mercy killing, intended to relieve Wife’s suffering.

It is unknown whether the couple have any history of domestic violence, or whether Husband has any criminal history or history of domestic violence restraining orders of protection against him.

Read more in this New York Daily News article: Police: Ohio man shoots wife of 45 years as she lays in intensive care unit
