Ex-Husband Arrested for Photographing Ex-Wife in Her Bedroom – Via Remotely-Controlled Hidden PC Camera

Texas Husband and Wife have Children together. Husband and Wife divorce in 2003.

Husband and Wife continue to co-parent their Children, conduct exchanges of the Children at their homes and remain on civil (or better) terms with each other.

Husband performs some repair work on Wife’s roof.

Roughly nine months later, Wife’s neighbor performs some repair work on Wife’s air conditioning.

And discovers, hidden in the attic, a laptop from which a camera is suspended by a USB cable.

Wife looks through the laptop and discovers pictures of herself – naked, or partially naked.

Husband allegedly admits setting up the camera in a recorded phone conversation between the ex-spouses.

Husband is arrested and charged with “improper visual recording”.

It is worth noting that, in some states, similar conduct would not constitute any crime.

Read more in this New York Daily News article: Texas man installed secret camera in ex-wife’s shower for months: cops.
