Wealthy Husband and Wife have multiple homes in multiple countries: New York, Paris, London, Switzerland and, most recently, Monaco.
New York divorce law sits pretty well with Wife, so she files for divorce in New York.
But Monaco’s divorce laws sit tens of millions of dollars better with Husband, so he files for divorce in Monaco … and files to transfer Wife’s New York case to Monaco.
In his filing, Husband cites as supporting evidence of residenccy pictures of Wife’s eighty or so pairs of shoes, numerous purses and clothing in the Monaco home … which is reportedly still under construction.
Classification of Husband’s $25 million art collection as marital versus nonmarital will likely turn on the determination of jurisdiction.
New York gets first crack at deciding jurisdiction.
- this New York Post news article: Socialite stunned by surprise divorce is thrown another curveball and
- this New York Daily News article: Woman claims husband took $25M worth of art before filing for divorce: lawsuit .