Husband and Wife have been married for more than twenty years, but they are separated.
There is a history of domestic violence by Husband.
Wife is ready to move on.
Wife files for divorce.
Wife then texts a friend that Husband is at her home and she is going to tell Husband that she filed for divorce.
That is the last thing seen or heard from Wife alive.
She vanished after that.
Until her remains were found ten days later, beaten to death.
A witness saw Husband the night Wife went missing. He was by his car, wearing latex gloves, in the vicinity of where Wife’s body was found.
Husband denied killing Wife throughout his two days of testimony, but was found guilty by a jury of second degree murder anyway.
Husband was sentenced to a minimum. of thirty years to life in prison.
- this New York Daily News article: Man convicted of killing wife on day she filed for divorce and
- this Fox News article: Man who killed wife on day she filed for divorce gets prison .