Immigrant and Son Murdered After Repeated Unreported Death Threats

When domestic violence is in the background of a divorce, custody or paternity case and there is no documented history of police reports or orders of protection, the denying party will always point to that lack of documentation as though it were proof that they are not violent.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Sadly, many aggressors escalate their violence when their victim seeks help – or tries to get out of the relationship.

Victims know that. That is what often holds them back from seeking help or leaving the aggressor.

This is true of victims from all walks of life and all socio-economic groups.

But especially vulnerable to such fears are immigrants, particularly illegal immigrants. In addition to fear of the aggressor, they fear deportation – for being a victim.

That may be why an immigrant mother and her pre-teen son were recently bludgeoned to death with a hammer.

Despite previous death threats by her husband.

With never so much as a single phone call to the police.

Read more of this sad story in this Boston Herald article.
