Mother Allegedly Gives Her Four Year Old Beer and Her Ten Month Old Beer and Cocaine

Connecticut Mother and Friend are out in the park with Mother’s four year old Son and ten month old Daughter.

There is a partially drained forty ounce bottle of beer. By Son.

And Mother allegedly orders Son to “chug” what is left of it.

Then reportedly calls Son an alcoholic.

Another parent out in the park signals police officers on foot patrol.

When the officers approach the Daughter, they note that her baby bottle smells of alcohol.

Son and Daughter are taken to the hospital.

Both children test positive for alcohol consumption. Daughter also tests positive for cocaine.

Mother confesses to authorities that Friend gives Son a bottle of beer every day. Mother admits cocaine use but denies knowledge of how Daughter tests positive for the drug.

Mother and Friend are both arrested on charges of risk of injury to a child and second degree assault.

Mother and Friend are confined.

Son and Daughter are presumably taken into child protective custody.

Read more in this New York Daily News article: Juliette Dunn arrested for giving 4-year-old and 10-month-old beer and cocaine and this Connecticut Post article: Cops: Mom gave her children beer and cocaine.
