It’s no secret that co-parenting breaks down in too many divorces and separations.
Just how bad is it?
Well, in the UK, it is being proposed that, as soon as a child is born, the parents’ education in proper co-parenting upon divorce and separation begin.
Parents would immediately be given a brochure about good co-parenting in the event of divorce or separation at the time of their child’s birth.
The theory seems to be that, if parents are indoctrinated long enough, it will stick no matter what.
It would be interesting to see whether that would bear out.
Mediation would be mandated in child custody cases. As it is here in Florida.
It is also being proposed there that grandparent visitation rights be legislated.
Other proposals in the UK include expediting the legal process in child welfare cases.
Read more in this UK Telegraph article: New parents should be handed divorce advice for their children.