Psychological Father Awarded Custody by Court Charged in Boy’s Murder

A Denver boy is dead – just a few months after a judge awarded custody of him and his half-brother to his “psychological father”, who had been investigated by the local social services agency.

The boys’ mother had previously been incarcerated for child neglect, and the court had limited her visitation with the boys.

The surviving boy was placed in foster care when his father and stepmother were charged with murder of his older half-brother.

As questions surfaced about the role of social services in the tragedy, the agency defended that its responsibility for the boys ended when the court entered a final custody judgment.

Post-judgment follow-ups are not routine in such situations.

It is unclear whether the alleged murderer treated his biological son different from the boy who the court ruled related to him as his “psychological father”.

Read more in this Denver Post article: Custody decisions close caseworkers’ book.
