To Divorce or Not to Divorce, That is the Question

Ten years ago a young Australian man wrote a book setting out all the questions and issues to consider before deciding to marry someone.

Using his own book as the determinant of whether to marry a young Utah woman, the young man opted to marry her.

The book garnered the young man significant media attention and launched his career as a marriage advisor.

Only a few years later, the couple divorced.

So then the young man wrote another book setting out all the questions and issues to consider before deciding to divorce your spouse.

Now I suppose he can say he has re-launched his career as divorce advisor.

Good save?!

One thing is certain. The decision whether to divorce is a complex one, which typically must take many issues and circumstances into account.

Read more in this Salt Lake Tribune article: Marriage guru’s own wedded bliss amiss, so he writes book on divorce.
