Restraining Order of Protection Steps In to Separate Three Professional Bodybuilders

First Boyfriend, 29, and New York Girlfriend, 43, are both professional bodybuilders and personal trainers.

They date. They break up.

Girlfriend takes up with another professional bodybuilder, Second Boyfriend.

First Boyfriend doesn’t take things well. First Boyfriend allegedly threatens to kill Girlfriend and Second Boyfriend … and warns Girlfriend to leave New York.

Girlfriend obtains Restraining Order of Protection against First Boyfriend in New York Family Court.

New York’s finest also arrest First Boyfriend for felony criminal contempt for violating the Restraining Order of Protection by harassing Second Boyfriend.

Despite denying all allegations, First Boyfriend reportedly seizes on a plea agreement under which he avoids jail time on a reduced misdemeanor charge, in return for completing an anti-stalking educational program.

Meanwhile, Family Court judge makes Restraining Order of Protection permanent.

Read more in this New York Post article: Death threat in bodybuilders’ love triangle .
