Singer Avoids Being Held in Contempt Over Alleged Non-Compliance with Courts Orders on Discovery

Husband and Wife are divorced.

Wife is a singer who has recorded music that has sold well and earns her recurring royalties.

Under the terms of their divorce, Husband is entitled to half of Wife’s royalties on certain music she recorded during their marriage.

Wife reportedly has not cooperated in producing information to Husband regarding the royalties she has earned, and reportedly failed to comply with a court order that she sign authorizations for a court-appointed expert on recording contracts to independently gather the information for the court.

Court orders Wife to appear at a contempt hearing.

Wife tells the court that she does not want to go to jail, but Wife takes exception to certain language in the proposed letters that Wife claims is broader and more inclusive than similar letters from her original divorce.

Court orders the expert to meet with Wife in an effort to resolve the disputed language … and does not sentence Wife to jail – or even hold her in contempt.

The original divorce file is sealed. The court orders that documents gathered in these enforcement proceedings be kept confidential as well.

Read more in this Detroit News article: Anita Baker avoids jail in court battle.
