South Florida Ex Husband with Equal Timesharing Allegedly Murders Ex-Wife’s New Husband in Front of Kids

Husband and Wife have twins together. Couple later divorces.

Wife remarries. Wife happy.

Husband leaves job, allegedly so he can’ t pay child support.

Husband seeks order of protection against Wife, claiming she threatened him. The judge doesn’t buy it.

Husband repeatedly accuses Wife and her new husband of abusing the twins. After investigating, the state finds no evidence to support his accusations.

A doctor opines that Husband is coaching the twins to say that Wife’s new husband abuses them.

On Wife’s birthday, Wife and new husband bring the twins to Husband’s home for his timesharing.

Husband explodes and shoots Wife’s new husband – six times – in front of the twins. Wife’s new husband dies.

Husband is charged with murder, and confesses to the crime. Wife claims that Husband routinely beat and abused her during their marriage.

Wife’s attorney comments that Husband was a “ticking time bomb” against whom Wife had filed about 10 emergency motions.

Yet Husband had equal timesharing with their twins… Despite the twins having a guardian ad litem to advocate for their best interests.

Read more in this Miami Herald article: Police: Rage against ex-wife led to killing.
