Celebrities’ Entire Divorce File Sealed From Beginning to End

Oklahoma Husband and Wife are reportedly country music celebrities.

Husband and Wife decide to divorce.

Desiring to keep maintain their privacy, they apparently ask the Oklahoman Family Court to keep their divorce confidential.

And so the presiding judge, who happens to be from another county … and retiring imminently, decides to seal their divorce file.

All of it. No exceptions. Whatsoever.

Even the actual sealing order. Which is also supposedly mandated by law to be public.

The judge reportedly believes that the contents of the celebrities’ divorce file are of a private nature.

And the public has no right to the information in it.

Unlike other people’s divorces in Oklahoma. (And Florida.)

Not even the musicians’ full names are listed on the online public docket listing, just their initials.

And a former Oklahoma legislator contends that that is allillegal under Oklahoma law, which he alleges requires judges to seal only so much of the court case record as is really and truly necessary to protect a legitimate and compelling privacy interest which outweighs the public’s right to information. (Quite similar to Florida’s sunshine laws.)

Oh, and the elapsed time between first filing the case and entry of the final judgment is just two weeks! Which wouldn’t comply with Florida’s minimum statutory waiting period after filing. Although it, presumably, does satisfy any minimum applicable in Oklahoma.

