When baby boomers or seniors divorce, the odds are much greater that the wife has mainly been a largely stay-at-home mother and homemaker who never seriously pursued a self-supporting career.
In younger divorcing couples, the odds are greater that the wife has had a career of her own and has earned roughly as much as her husband.
So senior and boomer spouses who are parting are more likely to focus on property division and alimony issues. Retirement savings, pensions, social security benefits, debts, other assets and so on.
But younger divorcing couples are more likely to focus on parenting and child support issues. Timesharing, decision-making, child support and so on.
Also, younger and older couples are likely to have different personal styles in handling the divorce. For example, older couples are more likely to be more deliberate.
Read more in this Mason City [IA] Globe Gazette article: Considerations for boomer divorce different from younger counterparts.