Doubts About Your Future Spouse Before the Wedding? Divorce More Likely Then

A study bears out what most of us probably know intuitively.

Doubts before the wedding, specifically about your intended, are an early warning system that doesn’t bode well for the success of the marriage.

At best, doubts foretell unions providing less satisfaction. At worst, doubts by women foreshadow a likelihood of divorce that is 2.5 times greater.

Among study participants, a whopping 47% of men and 38% of women admitted to premarital doubts. Interestingly though, women’s doubts were a more accurate indicator of future divorce.

Nineteen percent of doubting women who went through with their marriage were divorced four years later. Among women who did not harbor doubts, only 8% were.

Fourteen percent of doubting men who went through with their marriage were divorced four years later. Among men who did not harbor doubts, only 9% were.

In only 36% of couples did neither spouse suffer doubts though.

It should be noted that 6% of those marriages ended in divorce as well.

Read more in this USA Today article: Pre-marriage doubts signal unhappy unions, divorce.
