Ex-Wife Convicted for Testifying to Advanced Pregnancy with Triplets – When Not Pregnant At All

A bitter New Hampshire divorce has an unusual sequel.

For reasons known only to her, the wife allegedly testified under oath at a divorce hearing that she was seven months pregnant with triplets.

Only she wasn’t. Didn’t even appear to be.

Her lie was reportedly compounded by a supporting sonogram she introduced.

During the divorce case, she also allegedly falsely asserted that she had had breast cancer, that her husband was a terrorist, that her husband was going to derail one of his employer’s trains, and that her husband had abused and neglected their children.

All of these allegations were reportedly false too.

More than anything else, the allegations set off alarm bells regarding the mother’s psychological state.

But, in the end, after the family case ended, the mother was tried and convicted of perjury.

Now she faces up to seven years in jail.

And, if she was designated primary residential parent in the divorce case, that will likely change soon …

Underscoring the extreme danger of lying in family court and why one should never, ever do it.

Read more in this New Hampshire Union Leader article: Final chapter in divorce case: perjury conviction.
