Father Attempts to Grab Child, Allegedly Relying on Ohio Court Order Reportedly in Conflict with and Stayed by Florida Court Order

Mother lives in Florida and Father lives in Ohio. Daughter is with Mother at time of events in question.

Father flies to Florida and allegedly physically collects Daughter and forces her into his car.

Father has a change of car waiting and uses second car to take Daughter to airport.

Father tries to board plane with Daughter when he is captured.

Father claims to have custody of Daughter, awarded to him by an Ohio court.

But Mother has an Order from a Florida court awarding her custody and staying the Ohio court’s order.

Conflicting custody orders from different states are typically avoided these days thanks to the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, a body of laws widely adopted across the US to resolve which state has proper jurisdiction to decide custody of any particular child and mandating that other states remain hands-off.

Father is under arrest for interference with child custody.

Read more in this MS NBC article: Deputies: Ohio Dad Forces Daughter From Mom’s Tampa Home.
