Girls Allegedly Abducted By Father Before Family Court Hearing Found Safe

Two little Idaho Girls who went missing were found in Nevada a few days after an Amber Alert was issued about them.

The Girls’ Father reportedly pulled them out of their Idaho school and headed to Nevada before a conference in the Father’s child custody and child support case with his wife, the Girls’ Mother.

Father had had temporary joint custody of the Girls, despite some alleged history of substance abuse, thoughts and threats of suicide and several convictions on misdemeanor crimes. He also reportedly had weapons.

The Girls were unharmed, although suffering from exposure to wet, freezing conditions in inadequate clothing.

If the allegations against him are true, Father abducted the Girls. And placed them in danger.

The legal terms are custodial interference and child endangerment.

Whether Father suddenly snapped under the stress of the divorce or whether there were obvious red flags that should have been put before the court are not known at this time. Mention of the Girls’ Mother was conspicuously absent from the media coverage.


  1. this Miami Herald article: Missing girls found huddled in mountains after residents notice dad’s odd behavior
  2. this [Idaho] KTVB TV 7 article: Missing Boise girls found safe after AMBER Alert, dad in custody and
  3. this Fox News article: Idaho Amber Alert issued for 2 girls possibly abducted by their father