Abducted Baby Returned from Mexico to US under Hague Convention

Ten months ago, a fourteen month old baby boy was abducted from California to Mexico, allegedly by the boy’s father, following his attack on the boy’s mother with a kitchen knife.

Although authorities surmised quickly that the boy had been removed to Mexico, finding him and getting him back home was another story.

Local authorities aided the mother in filing an application for return of her son to the US under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

Local law enforcement actually traveled to Mexico to attend the Hague Convention hearing on behalf of the mother – and were able to escort the boy back to California when the Mexican judge ruled that the boy’s habitual residence was the US.

The father is still at large in Mexico, but there remains outstanding a warrant for his arrest on domestic violence and related charges, should he return to the US.

Read more in this Eureka [CA] Reporter article: Abducted toddler returns to U.S.
