Minnesota Pleased with Early Results in Pilot Program to Resolve Custody Issues Amicably Outside Court

Minnesota is experimenting with a program to reduce litigation over child custody.

Early Case Management and Early Neutral Evaluation are the cornerstones of the pilot program.

In the program, parents begin working with professionals to amicably resolve child issues early in the case.

About 120 cases have participated in the program over three years.

One hundred of those cases were amicably resolved.

None of them have had to go back to court.

The program costs $600 to participate in.

Details were sketchy as to the types of professionals involved, the types of issues in dispute at the outset of those cases and the presence or absence of domestic violence and related behaviors in those cases.

Read more in this [Mankato, MN] Fox 12 TV news article: Program Makes Custody Cases Easier On Kids.
