WA: Dad’s visitation second fiddle to Mom’s worship schedule

Should the non-custodial parent’s schedule for religious observance dictate the non-custodial parent’s visitation schedule? That’s the issue a Washington state father thought his visitation case hinged on.

But according to this article, the Washington appellate court saw things differently from the father and reversed the trial court to rule that the father could not have any full weekends with his daughter except during summer vacations.

Although there was evidence that the young girl’s preference was to join her mother in their common religious observance, one can’t help but wonder whether Washington law doesn’t give short shrift to the father’s visitation rights and the enduring importance of the permanent relationship between an involved father and his daughter (regardless of whether the girl was mature enough to appreciate it).

Is this an example of dads being treated like “second class parents”, as many father’s rights groups contend is the case in many states?
