Pakistani Court Orders Local Law Enforcement to Produce in Court French-Pakistani Boy Who Was Allegedly Abducted from France

A Pakistani court has ordered Pakistani police to locate a 7 year old French-Pakistani boy and produce him in court.

The little boy’s mother, a French national, brought a habeas corpus action in Pakistan to regain physical custody of the child.

The boy’s parents divorced in France and entered a written custody agreement there which was adopted in a French divorce decree.

The mother alleged that the father, without her permission, removed the boy from France to his native country, Pakistan, in violation of their agreement.

Pakistan is not a party to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and, therefore, was not required to produce and return the boy to his mother in France under international law.

However, the Pakistani court’s order indicates that it was at least considering enforcing the agreement adopted in the French divorce decree.

Read more in this [Pakistan] Daily Times article: Police told to find French-Pakistani boy in 7 days.
