Proposed Texas Divorce Class: Tax on Divorce or Economic Stimulus?

A bill pending in the Texas legislature would, if passed, mandate that divorcing couples with children, who are pursuing a “no fault divorce”, take a 10 hour class in the nature of marriage counseling.

The class might cost as much as $200 per hour.

That’s $2,000 just to take the divorce class.

The legislative intent behind the bill is to “save a few marriages”.

The pending Texas legislation exempts victims of abuse documented by an order of protection or a police report.

But everyone else would have to take the class in order to obtain a divorce if the bill passes.

Sort of like giving no fault divorce with one hand, and taking it away from those who can’t afford the divorce class with the other hand …

But pretty profitable for government-approved providers.

Read more in this [Dallas/Ft. Worth] WFAA TV 8 news article: Bill proposes ‘divorce classes’.
