Texas Family Court Not Only Enters Divorces, It Also Sort Of Orders Getting Married

Texas Boyfriend reportedly gets into physical altercation with Girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend.

Boyfriend is charged with criminal assault.

Boyfriend pleads guilty.

Criminal court judge advises Boyfriend and Girlfriend that Boyfriend will be sentenced to fifteen days in jail. Or just probation … if Boyfriend and Girlfriend tie the knot within thirty days; Boyfriend transcribes Bible verses; and Boyfriend undergoes counseling.

Boyfriend and Girlfriend agree to the probation conditions – but Girlfriend’s father resents the perceived coercion and intrusion into his family’s business.

The court’s order was indeed … unusual … and the Freedom from Religion Foundation filed a complaint with the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct over the order, particularly the provision that required Boyfriend to copy bible verses. The Foundation contends the provision violated the principle of separation of church and state.

Read more in:

  1. this Reuters article: Texas judge gives man a choice: get married or go to jail
  2. this [Salt Lake City] Fox 13 TV news article: Texas Judge gives man a choice: Marry girlfriend or go to jail
  3. this New York Daily News article: Complaint filed against Texas judge who ordered man to marry his girlfriend or be jailed and
  4. this Salem Radio Network News article: Complaint filed against Texas judge over ‘get married or go to jail’ order .