The New Form of Cheating: Holding Out on Your Spouse About Money

According to a recent survey of American couples, one-third of spouses lie to their partners about money matters and one third have been lied to by their spouses.

Among the money matters about which spouses lie are:

  • hiding money (58%)

  • concealing minor purchases (54%)

  • keeping bills secret (30%)

  • hiding major purchases (16%)

  • maintaining bank accounts on the side (15%)

  • hiding debt (11%) and

  • concealing income (11%)

When found out, the consequences range from:

  1. separation (11%)

  2. divorce (16%)

  3. loss of trust (42%) and

  4. arguments (67%)

Much the same as when one spouse discovers the other is having an affair.

Sometimes such revelations lead to divorce.

Other times, the revelations first come to light during a divorce.

Read more in this Forbes piece: Is Your Partner Cheating On You Financially? 31% Admit Money Deception.
