Turkey: Husband Must Compensate His Wife for His “Social Violence”

Turkish Man living in France seeks to marry and bring a Turkish Woman to live with him in France.

Only that particular Woman had been accepted to college and has her heart set on attending.

So the Man promises the Woman that she will be able to go to university after the marriage.

So the Woman marries the Man.

But he does not allow the Woman to go to college.

In fact, he literally locks Woman inside the house in France.

To do housework.

Woman returns to Turkey and files for divorce.

Woman alleges that Husband is violent and that his family mistreats her.

The Court grants the divorce and, concluding that this case is not that different from a case of physical violence:

  • orders alimony for Woman
  • orders actual damages for Man’s “social violence” toward Woman
  • orders emotional damages for Man’s “social violence” toward Woman

Read more in this Hurriyet [Turkey] Daily News article: Man found guilty of ’social violence’.
