Father Awarded Custody of Missing Baby Mother Allegedly Absconded with Previously

Mother and Father have Baby.

Mother and Father split up when Baby is less than one year old.

Custody battle begins.

Father is awarded timesharing or visitation with Baby.

Mother allegedly absconds with Baby last December.

Mother reportedly tells Father that she killed Baby. Then recants.

And then says she gave Baby away to a couple.

Mother is arrested for child abuse, kidnapping, custodial interference and conspiracy to commit custodial interference.

Family court now awards custody of Baby to Father in the event that Baby turns up.

Mother now refuses to provide any information about Baby to Family court or Father, apparently due to criminal charges pending against her.

Father seeks to hold Mother in contempt. A hearing on the contempt allegation will take place later this month.

Read more in this Arizona Republic article: Father awarded custody of missing baby Gabriel
