Father Charged with Child Abuse for Locking His Two Young Boys in His Car … Without Food … for About Two Days

Michigan Mother and Father are divorced. They have two Boys together, four and six years old.

Father picks Boys up from Mother for timesharing.

The question is: why?

Father puts Boys in the car and meets Father’s brother (Uncle) at a bowling alley with a bar.

Father then allegedly leaves Boys in the car while Father and Uncle bowl and drink … for about two days .. without feeding Boys.

When the Boys are discovered, locked in the car, sometime after midnight, Father is arrested for felony child abuse.

At that time, there are several beer cans in the car, not all empty.

Father reportedly has a criminal history of misdemeanors, including two alcohol-related crimes.

Mother plans to seek to restrict Father’s visitation rights.

Child welfare agency will investigate the incident as well.

Uncle is not charged. Legally, he has no duty to care for Boys.

April is Child Abuse Prevention Awareness month.

Read more in this Jackson [MI] Citizen Patriot article: Dad who left kids in car is arraigned.
