Indian Husband Attempts Suicide Hoping to Avoid Having to Pay Alimony

Sadly, it is not unheard of for one spouse to murder (or attempt to murder) the other spouse in an effort to avoid paying spousal support or child support. I have posted on more than a few such stories.

A strange variation on that theme comes out of India.

Indian Husband files a case for theft against his Wife.

After that, Wife files for divorce.

Somehow or another, Husband’s Uncle is served with the divorce, instead of Husband.

Uncle forgets to pass the papers on to Husband.

The divorce Court enters an order for Husband to pay Wife spousal support, since Husband doesn’t show up to oppose.

Husband finds out.

Husband attends hearing in his theft case.

Before leaving the courthouse, Husband and his mother take poison … to avoid the spousal support obligation.

Husband and his mother are taken to the hospital for treatment.

Read more in this Times of India article: Mother, son attempt suicide.
