Introducing The Newest Kind of School Guidance Counselors – for Divorce

In the small town of Twin Falls, Idaho, two public elementary schools have a “divorce” counselor for their students. … And appointments with the “divorce” counselor are eagerly sought out by the kids.

The “divorce” counselors serve two purposes. First, they help the kids cope with their parents’ divorce. Second, they send home to the parents tips on how to make the divorce easier on their kids.

In this small town, children vicariously going through divorce are acting out in response to the situation and their parents’ behavior. Behavior such as disparaging the other parent to the children.

This although this small town already has mandatory parenting classes, nine hours’ worth, in fact. (Florida’s is only four hours.) And the children are required to attend a divorce class too.

Yet there is still a need for “divorce” counselors at school. Food for parental thought…

Read more in this Twin Falls [Idaho] Times-News article: Schools trying to help more students cope with divorce.
