Toddler Temporarily Placed in Foster Care After Two Recent Incidents Where Toddler Left Home and Was At Risk Due to Mother’s Alleged Failure to Supervise Him

Michigan Mother has a three year old Toddler.

A Neighbor finds Toddler walking in the parking lot of a business next to a busy highway. The Neighbor contacts law enforcement authorities.

When authorities contact Mother, Mother is asleep and slow to respond. Authorities learn that a similar incident took place a week before.

Toddler is taken into protective custody and placed in foster care.

The government files a dependency petition alleging neglect of Toddler.

On a temporary basis, Mother is granted only weekly supervised visitation with Toddler by the Michigan family court. The family court Mother also orders that Mother be subjected to random drug testing.

Read more in this [Bad Axe, MI] Huron Daily Tribune article: Bad Axe mother to have supervised visitation.
